Family Hope Line has spent years doing extensive research into the many program options available to a family. The founder, Dawn Bauer, has personally visited each program FHL is partnered with to ensure the quality and safety of the programs. Dawn’s rule of thumb in selection…”I will only offer programs to a family that I would be willing to place my own child.”
In addition to ongoing communication with staff of each program, site tours are conducted annually of each program that is listed in the portfolio of program options. These visits are beneficial to you as a parent by saving you time and money. The guess work is eliminated through the thorough and strategic process that FHL utilizes to screen a program.
- Location
- Licensing
- Long term or short term
- Inpatient or out patient
- Clinical options
- Financial commitment
- Special needs services
- Level of care
- Legal history of the program
- Student Profile
- Family Involvement
- Policies and Procedures Academics
- Athletics
- Cultural Arts
- Life Skills
- Character Development
- Staffing
- Safety
Please keep in mind that Family Hope Line is not partnered with any youth detention centers or programs receiving financial assistance through Medicaid or other government assisted programs. We do, however work with families that meet the criteria for Post Adoption Assistance Funding through the state in which the child was adopted. Ask your advocate if you are unsure if you meet the AAP funding requirements.